Chantilly, VA

Providing Effective and Proactive Government and Business Development Programs
Bald Eagle Apex Development Solutions, Inc. aims to promote high quality growth and sustainable development at country and business levels. We do this by helping sovereign and private entities turn their strategic vision into measurable frameworks of action, by supporting their resource mobilization effort, and by partnering with highly specialized academic institutions to provide our clients with the trainings needed for capcity enhancement and effective leadership.
Who we are
Often decried as one of the worst plague of the modern society, poverty remains nonetheless rampant and a major development challenge all over the world. In response, several strategies, programs and initiatives are carried out daily with the view if not to eradicating it as a phenomenon, to at least keeping it under control through a short-to-medium term elimination of its most severe form, the extreme poverty.
As a private company founded and led by a development practitioner with 30 years of experience in the field of international development finance, central banking, and monetary policies, Bald Eagle Apex Development Solutions, Inc., in Chantilly, Virginia, is committed to partaking in the global endeavor aimed at supporting the conception, implementation and evaluation of strategies and policies that are designed around the world to spur high quality growth, promote sustainable development, and maximize their trickling-down positive impact on poverty.
Our client base is composed of two segments: a) sovereign entities (countries as well as domestic and international public institutions); and b) private small and medium entreprises.
Our President and CEO is Yssouf Bamba, MSF. He served for 20 years on the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank Group as Senior Advisor for a constituency of 24 Sub-Saharan African countries. Prior to joining the World Bank Group’s Board, Yssouf Bamba had worked for 10 years at the headquarters of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) as high level staff successively in the Department of Research/Economic Studies, the Department of International Relations, and the Department of Financial Operations where he served as head of the Treasury. He holds Master degrees from the George Washington University (Master of Science in Finance/Financial Engineering), the BCEAO’s Training Center in monetary policies and banking (Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Financières et Bancaires), and the National University of Côte d’Ivoire (Maîtrise en Economie) as well as certificates of accomplishment for several executive programs namely from the Harvard University Institute of International Development, the IMF Institute, the World Bank Institute, and the American Express Corporation’s New York Training Center.